India’s tourism management system and their respective advantages

Tourism is one of the pillar industries in India; they have accumulated a set of more perfect and mature management system in travel agency and operation mechanism. The current development of India’s travel industry still has a lot of room for improvement. Referencing and learning travel agency industry management experience of India will promote our tourism industry management process. The study focuses on the difference of the India’s tourism management system and their respective advantages of management. Then it puts forward corresponding suggestions according to the present situation of the development of travel industry of the India, and provides reference for the travel industry management and the organization system innovation. Regarded as an economic and social activity, tourism represents, through its content and role, a distinct field of activity, a highly important component of the economic and social life in a growing number of countries, and implicitly in our own country. Tourism is a specific phenomenon in modern civilization and it is deeply rooted in the life of the society and, as such, it has influenced its evolution. Thus, being responsive to the dynamic changes in contemporary civilization, tourism evolves under their impact, joining the general process of development. Tourism also acts as a stimulating factor for the progress and evolution given the vast human and material potential engaged in its development and given the beneficial effects on the area of interference. The tourism and hospitality industry is currently one of the most important industries worldwide. India takes full advantage of highly favorable and more than adequate conditions for the development of different forms of tourism. This context encompasses the efforts of specialists to rigorously and scientifically define the categorize system integrated to tourism, its inter-dependencies with other parts of the economy and to quantify its effects. In many developing countries, tourism is widely accepted as a way to contribute to economic development, job opportunities and foreign revenues. Due to these factors tourism worldwide has developed rapidly in the last decades. The advantages of tourism and the live examples from different parts of the world encourage countries with adequate resources to find out the ways of conducting efforts aiming sustainability in this area because sustainability can be easily connected to almost all kinds and scales of tourism activities and environments. On the other hand, tourism in developing countries is also considered as a growing environmental concern because of its affect on seasonality, lack of suitable infrastructures and planning. The travel agencies are defined as a firm qualified to arrange for travel-related retail services on behalf of various tourism industry principals. With the evolution of the internet, the use of on-line search facilities for travel information has provided additional sources of information and opportunities to purchase travel direct from suppliers such as airlines and accommodation providers without recourse to travel agents and in some instances at discounts to prices available through travel agencies by eliminating commissions for such agents . Furthermore, the capacity of the internet to promote and provide information conveniently and quickly has offered alternatives to physical visits by consumers to travel agencies in order to access such information. Friends and relatives were regarded as an important source of information in the selection of travel agencies. Travelers suggested that they interact regularly and continuously with friends and relatives, who might have significant influence on their attitudes and behaviors. Furthermore, pressures for conformity might exist that affect the actual travel agency choices. As such, travel agencies should be aware of this social factor and acknowledge the fact that it could determine how consumers were to select their travel agencies.

The Internet appears to be playing a role in the re-structuring of some traditional business sectors in which some organizations profit and some decline. Travel agencies are being subjected to increased competition from virtual on-line travel agencies. These agencies do not possess the traditional retail outlets but exist predominantly on the Web. In addition, airline companies and travel wholesalers are beginning to market their products directly to the consumer. Travel agencies and tour operators play an intermediary role linking producers of travel services (e.g. air passenger transport, accommodation, etc) to consumers. Generally, travel agency and tour arrangement services can be regarded as a type of distributive services where the underlying products sold are travel services. In pricing this type of services, one faces two important issues similar to that in pricing distributive services in selling goods, i.e. how to measure margin prices when they are not directly observable, and how to treat quality change and adjustment. Travel agencies and tour operators provide reservation and booking services, arranging and assembling tours, tour retailing and wholesaling services, transport ticket wholesaling services, and other services related to distribution of travel services. Travel agencies and tour operators act as intermediaries in distributing travel services on behalf of producers of the services. In some cases, they also provide add-on services such as travel management. Travel agencies and tour operators derive their revenues primarily from fees or commission paid by producers of the original services, or by charging customers fees or a mark-up amount on top of the purchase cost of the original services. Therefore, travel agency and tour arrangement activities can be regarded as a type of distributive services or margin services (in selling travel services). The outputs of these activities can be measured as gross margin. Growing online travel agency services, in particular online booking and reservation services, led to increasing competition in the industry and decreasing market share of traditional bricks-and-mortar shopfront travel agencies. However, there is some evidence that traditional shop front travel agencies are adapting in the age of online retail by offering both traditional shop front services and online services.

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